When to ask her out: The acquaintance
When to ask her out: The acquaintance
More Than Meets The Eyes
Should I Tell Her How I Feel?
The Play Date
Dogs, Cats, and the Art of Dating: Lessons from the Cab Ride
The Colorado Connection That Could Never Be
When Love Feels Like a DIY Project: The Fixer-Upper Dilemma
Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others
Should You Settle?
Is There Hope For The Gender Gap?
Cheating is a Cop Out
The Dance of Second Chances
An acquaintance is somewhere between a stranger and a friend. It’s someone that you speak to on a regular basis but don’t necessarily communicate with outside of a recurring situation. An acquaintance is the waitress at the restaurant that you go to all the time, or another student in a class you’re taking, or a co-worker. The key is that you don’t really know these people personally, you know them through some activity and don’t really see or interact with them otherwise.
Acquaintances are more difficult to ask our than strangers. With strangers, you’ll never see them again so there is little risk in asking them out. With acquaintances, you know that you’ll run into them again and that can cause stress. After all, if the acquaintance says no, you know that you’ll be seeing him or her again soon. With either a yes or a no, though, you run the risk of changing the dynamic of the situation.
Consider the situation of taking a class. You’re there on the first day and a girl walks in that is absolutely beautiful. If you ask her out right then and there and she says no, you may not want to go to the class anymore; if she says yes, your new relationship may become a distraction for the other students. So what do you do? Simple, you wait. An acquaintance actually gives you time to get to know them. Strike up a conversation each time you’re together, gradually learning about the other person. Invite the person out in a group with others from the same situation, i.e., suggest to everyone that you go out after class for a drink. Get to know the other person as much as possible through your shared moments, an opportunity you don’t get with strangers.
The best time to ask out an acquaintance is when you aren’t sure you’ll see them again. The class may be coming to an end, or the waitress may be changing jobs, and if you don’t do anything, that person will walk out of your life possibly forever. Now is the time to act. This way you’re assured of two things: 1) you won’t ruin the dynamic of the situation and 2) you won’t need to run into this person again if they say no. Invite him or her out, just the two of you. Make it clear that you’ve enjoyed their company and conversation to this point and would be severely disappointed if you lost that. After that, you’re on your own.
Note about co-workers: you may need to wait longer and have more “group dates” before officially asking out a co-worker. Make sure you fully understand your company’s dating and sexual harassment policies before even thinking about it. Most companies forbid relationships between managers and their subordinates, but some also exclude fraternization of any kind or may even have love contracts.
#ThanksforTyping: the women behind famous male writers
#ThanksforTyping: the women behind famous male writers
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The academic, Bruce Holsigner, began sharing the screenshots on Twitter under the hashtag #ThanksforTyping ."
AJAR, collectif littéraire
AJAR, collectif littéraire
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Apologies to the Strong Black Woman: Breaking the Myth of the Hero
Apologies to the Strong Black Woman: Breaking the Myth of the Hero
Single Men Who Want More Women
Open Letter To Men Who Want More
For Men Who Love Poly Dating
Progressive Love Applauds Too $hort
Is Love the Most Feared Emotion?
Love Kills Self Love & Self Esteem
Are Nagging & Cheating Equally Damaging?
Why Do We Fall In Love? Is It Healthy?
Why Master Monogamy
So how could Foucault not see this existential threat to himself? Hatred. His hatred of Western Civilization & Capitalism was so blinding & all-consuming that he was blind to the danger. He merely saw the application of the maxim, “The Enemy(Islam) of my Enemy(The West) is my Friend” without considering there is an alternative: “The Enemy of my Enemy might be my Enemy too…”
Feminism shares this blinding existential hatred as well…
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 31 Thumb down 3
SarkASSian August 30, 2014 at 00:50
Mr. Price,
I cant get enough of your articles. Spearhead is the only manosphere site on the internet which is neither liberal(avfm-esque ) nor conservative/PUA (ROK-esque). Your articles are well balanced and are intelligently written. Good to have you back sir. I am an Indian(HINDU) living in India. And i can tell you, muslims are detrimental to any country/culture. 20 % of the Indian population is muslim and most of the places they dwel in are underdeveloped. They prefer to live by their outdated, barbaric religious beliefs rather than adopt and update . It wont take long before they turn west into Afghanistan2 . You have to act before its too late.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 52 Thumb down 3
DCM August 30, 2014 at 02:51
We should expect native English to form vigilante gangs themselves that can move easily in local cultures. They may defend against foreign outrages but they will likely focus on persons they see as cultural traitors.
They won’t make the news for some time except as petty criminals and “racists”.
At least this is what usually happens in such situations. Whether or not they become successful depends on how attractive the oppressor’s culture is and how open to converts. Islam, at least, certainly offers men an alternative to a native culture controlled by liberals and feminists.
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Rod August 30, 2014 at 04:58
Excellent analysis, as usual. I always look forward to your insights. When I first heard of the Rotherham sex trafficking, I was amazed that, in the same West that is hyperventilating about an imaginary campus “rape culture” and fabricating an entire narrative out of whole cloth, something like this should go on with no comment. You hit the nail on the head: feminists (and their leftist male running dogs) are more concerned with shaming the white “patriarchy” than with addressing REAL problems.
Are Men Too Loyal in Relationships?
Are Men Too Loyal in Relationships?
Black Men Desirability: Unpacking Cultural Biases
Women' Things Men Struggle To Understand
Going Nowhere Fast, We’ve Reached Our Climax
Are Women Too Loyal for Their Own Good
Things Black People Say?
What Really Works For Us Chicks
Words I Hope My Daughter Never Says
Why Women Get a Pass on Things Men Can’t
5 Signs That You Might Be Dating a Zombie Who Might Zombie Apocalapyse Your A**
Loyalty is often celebrated as one of the most admirable traits in a relationship. For men, being loyal typically means staying committed, standing by their partner, and honoring the relationship no matter what. But can there be such a thing as being too loyal? It’s an intriguing question, and one worth exploring.
1. Loyalty vs. Sacrifice
For some men, loyalty can border on self-sacrifice. They might stay in a relationship long past its expiration date, enduring unhappiness, lack of appreciation, or even toxic behavior, simply because they believe loyalty demands it.I’ve seen men stay in relationships where their needs were consistently ignored or belittled. When asked why, the answer was often the same: "I made a commitment." While honoring a commitment is commendable, it shouldn’t come at the cost of self-respect or emotional well-being.
True loyalty isn’t about enduring pain for the sake of it—it’s about mutual respect and shared effort. If one partner is doing all the giving and the other all the taking, that’s not loyalty; it’s imbalance.
2. Fear of Being Seen as Disloyal
Cultural and societal expectations often play a role in how men approach loyalty. Many men feel that leaving a relationship, even when it’s unhealthy, might label them as "disloyal" or "weak."This fear can keep men tied to partners who don’t reciprocate their commitment. For instance, a man might continue to support a partner emotionally, financially, or otherwise, even when it’s clear the relationship is no longer working, simply because he fears being judged for walking away.
It’s crucial to remember that leaving a relationship doesn’t mean you’re disloyal. Sometimes, ending things is the most respectful choice—for both partners.
3. Healthy Loyalty: The Balance We Need
Loyalty in relationships should be a two-way street, built on respect, love, and effort from both people. Healthy loyalty doesn’t mean tolerating mistreatment or staying out of obligation. It means standing by your partner while also valuing yourself.Men should feel empowered to prioritize their own well-being without guilt. Being loyal shouldn’t mean losing yourself. It’s about building a relationship where both partners thrive, not one where one person sacrifices everything to keep it afloat.
Conclusion: Loyalty, But Not at All Costs
Men aren’t “too loyal”—they’re often misunderstood in how they express it. True loyalty lies in mutual care, not blind endurance. A balanced approach creates relationships where loyalty isn’t a burden but a joy.Autrices et auteurs de Suisse
Autrices et auteurs de Suisse
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Café littéraire : Bruno Pellegrino, Dans la ville provisoire
Café littéraire : Bruno Pellegrino, Dans la ville provisoire
Can Sexiness Solve Anger? Ne-Yo’s 'When You’re Mad' Said Maybe
Can Sexiness Solve Anger? Ne-Yo’s 'When You’re Mad' Said Maybe
The Savvy Woman’s Guide To Decoding Men On Twitter
The Kind of Woman a Man Never Forgets
News Flash: That Guy You're With Is a Pig
99 Remedies For the Relationship Impaired
Riding In Cars With Girls
Advice To My Teen Son About Women And Dating
Why Boys And Girls Need Different Dating Advice
Think Like A Man
What Makes You So Sure You're Wife Material
When Smart People Make Dumb Dating Decisions
Anyway, I downloaded Kanye West’s Yeezus Friday, and have listened to it approximately 10 times since. It is an incoherent, jumbled, rhythm-adverse, pretentious, pseudo-intellectual, racist, and misogynistic mess. It may very well be the first major label hip-hop album that caused listeners actual physical pain while listening to it.
I’m also in love with it.
The irony isn’t lost on me.
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mikediver August 28, 2014 at 13:52
I was a senior at the Naval Academy the first year it admitted women. We started the year with 40 women out of a campus population of over 4,000. In the catalog that came out the next spring any picture that contained more than one person had at least one female student. When we analyzed the catalog for the school, based on the gender counts in the pictures, the impression one would take away was that the school was one third women. Manufactured perceptions are often at wide variance from reality.
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epoche* August 28, 2014 at 14:39
Anon7 August 28, 2014 at 09:44
Several years ago I was helping my son get the books he needed to brush up for the AP Calculus, AP. Physics, etc tests. I noticed that boys, and in particular white boys, apparently no longer take those tests.
I am surprised that there are any white males that go to college at all
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Szebran August 28, 2014 at 16:46
Maybe these chauvinistic halfwits should ask:Why arent their more women paying child support? They work – its time to pay up.
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Anonymous August 28, 2014 at 18:40
What you have to understand is that women don’t believe nerdy guys should have money. It runs contrary to all their instincts, they believe nerdy guys belong on the bottom rung of society.
Céline Dubas
Céline Dubas
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Je m’appelle Céline. J’aime la vie et les histoires de vie. J’aime écouter, partager et communiquer. J’aime lire et écrire. J’aime jongler avec les subtilités linguistiques pour créer des textes harmonieux qui transmettent un message, des émotions… et surtout qui donnent envie d’être lus !
Ma passion pour l’écriture, j’en ai fait mon métier, un métier qui allie rigueur et créativité. De nature positive et travailleuse, j’offre depuis 2017 mes services en tant que rédactrice et traductrice indépendante.
En 2020, je me suis lancé le défi d’écrire le récit de la vie de mes grands-parents, projet que je poursuis depuis lors. Je propose désormais également ce service aux personnes désireuses de raconter leur vécu.
J’ai obtenu ma maturité fédérale au Kollegium Spiritus Sanctus de Brigue en langue allemande en 2000 et décroché en 2004 une licence en sciences économiques à la faculté des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Lausanne (HEC).
Entre 2005 et 2017, j’ai travaillé dans diverses entreprises qui m’ont toutes donné l’opportunité d’exercer mes compétences en matière de gestion de projet et de communication. J’ai entre autres occupé pendant 7 ans le poste de Chargée de communication au sein d’une société active au niveau national.
En 2017, j’ai créé Textes & Com’pagnie et complété dans la foulée ma formation par un master de rédactrice professionnelle délivré par l’Université d’Aix-Marseille. Je suis également traductrice certifiée de l’ASTTI (Association Suisse des Traducteurs, Terminologues et Interprètes) depuis 2019 et ai suivi en 2021 la formation Comment (se) dire ? destinée aux praticiennes et praticiens en récit de vie.
Chivalry Isn’t Dead: How Kind Gestures Still Matter
Chivalry Isn’t Dead: How Kind Gestures Still Matter
Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
16Themis March 5, 2010 at 10:20 AM
I have to say, I’m a little disappointed in your response to Bill. You have no issue being overly gracious, perhaps to a questionable point, with those who agree with you, but were a bit rude and defensive with the first real critical comment you received on this entry. Granted, Bill wasn’t courteous either, but your tone seems to reinforce some of his points.
And, Bill raises a good point, and one I didn’t bring up because my previous comment was already quite long and seemingly preachy. If I were the woman in this situation, I would have told you to go with your first option and that was, to go fuck yourself. You emphasize going with the flow, but in this instance you forced the flow. She said no, you assumed it was because of social inhibitions and not a true desire to wait. You then threatened the connection this woman was feeling with you, because your libido demanded it, and got what you wanted assuming she wanted it as well.
If this were true chemistry and passion, and not simple lust, it would have been about having sex with HER and not just having sex – be it your hand or some other booty call because you were riled up. Even if you had no intention of ever bringing her home to mama, chemistry is about the charge between two people – in all honesty, this seems like you manipulating a woman into sleeping with you and, as Bill noted, smacks of an arrogance not befitting the situation.
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17jackie March 5, 2010 at 11:09 AM
Themis, the great thing about the internet in general and America in particular is: everybody is entitled to their own opinion. This doesn’t make anybody right or wrong; there’s a lot of room for difference of belief. That said, were it you, it would have been entirely within your right to tell me to go fuck myself, but that would have taken the statement entirely out of context. Blatant sexual innuendo flowed back and forth like lava all evening; sexual tension had been building all week in each conversation leading up to the date. Her momentary hesitation as she was grinding feverishly on top of me interrupted the flow; I simply reestablished it.
Copywriter en anglais
Copywriter en anglais
Correction d’un travail de recherche 5 pages
Correction d’un travail de recherche 5 pages
Correspondre aujourd'hui, usage des majuscules et des minuscules
Correspondre aujourd'hui, usage des majuscules et des minuscules
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Corriger une lettre de motivation
Corriger une lettre de motivation
Denis Frenkel
Denis Frenkel
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Concepteurs, décideurs, rêveurs, ambitieux, réservés, polis et impolis...
J'écris vos textes pour transformer votre pensée en message efficace.
Pour un impact maximal, pour remporter l'adhésion du lecteur, pour entrer en contact avec votre public cible.
- Relire et corriger?
- Rassembler et réécrire?
- Penser et trouver?
Vous, votre personne et vos idées sont uniques. Le texte qui point l'est aussi, forcément. A moins d'une urgence (hélas, trois fois hélas, le temps n'est pas toujours notre allié), nous commençons par discuter, interroger, échanger, et même rigoler.
Alors vous me transmettez votre flambeau; je le saisis, empli d'une fierté toujours renouvelée car... j'aime écrire. Ca se voit, non?
- Licence ès lettres, Université de Genève
- CAS en rédaction stratégique et communication, Haute Ecole de Gestion de Fribourg
Dumper’s Remorse Sucks
Dumper’s Remorse Sucks
Attack of The Killer Ex
How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays
Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads
25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating
5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master
Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?
The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men
Dating a Jersey Shore Fan
Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day
A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy
If you have been following my blog for a while now, you know that I go on a lot of dates from online personals. Most times, I am able to get over my failed romantic and sexual conquests, but sometimes it seems like some women get far more attractive after I dump them. Why is that? Why do you women finally like showing off your Max Factor looks and your not so ditzy personality after you made asses out of yourself?
Is it all a facade? Are you showing off your real personality or are you simply becoming the women we want you to become to seem more attractive after we ripped your hearts out of your chest?
I’ve met a lot of girls on dating personals and despite the fact that most of them were forgettable, there are always those select few that manage to get away. And you what sucks the most? Nobody ever has any empathy for the dumper! Never! Why is it that women are able to inform you about their hidden personality traits and their love for Freaks and Geeks after you break up with them? Why can’t you women not be so afraid of appearances and how you appear to your dating partners and just be free to be yourselves?
Seriously, it’s torture having to see my smoking hot ex I let slip away from my fingers get stuck dating some douche bag simply because I let her go. Dumper’s remorse sucks ladies and gentlemen. It sucks because nobody give a shit and to be honest, they shouldn’t.
Don’t be a trigger happy dumper like I am. It will end up biting you in the ass in the long run.
Ecoles d’écrivains, ces pépinières de talents
Ecoles d’écrivains, ces pépinières de talents
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Écriture littéraire
Écriture littéraire
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Emmanuelle de Dardel
Emmanuelle de Dardel
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Emmanuelle de Dardel
Emmanuelle de Dardel
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La correction et la rédaction font partie de ma vie depuis que je suis petite. Quand j'étais encore à l'école, mes proches venaient vers moi pour me demander de corriger leurs écrits. Cela me paraissait couler de source, je n'ai jamais pensé à en faire ma profession. Peu à peu, j'ai accepté que cela pouvait être mon talent principal. Et me voici correctrice, rédactrice, copywriter et écrivaine publique depuis 2018. J'ai créé mon site internet avec grand soin, en 1 ou 2 ans et le révise ponctuellement, pour qu'il reflète la réalité au mieux.
Mes passions tournent aussi autour de l'écriture : je rédige de la poésie et j'en publie quelques-unes sur les réseaux. Et j'ai aussi quelques autres projets en cours de rédaction, dont un livre de cuisine. Pour déstresser et rester en forme, je marche beaucoup au bord du lac et dans la forêt, chez moi, et pratique le yoga, à plus ou moins haute intensité.
De nature ouverte, j'apprécie prendre connaissance de vos personnalité et parcours grâce à des questions ciblées et détaillées. Cela me permet de découvrir votre personnalité en profondeur et bien vous mettre en valeur dans vos textes, pour le succès. Les textes que je révise et rédige le plus souvent sont des textes à destination d'autrui ou sur la toile :
- les sites internet, textes à propos, articles de blog, articles de réseaux sociaux, newsletters
- les curriculum vitae et lettres de motivation
Passionnée par les outils collaboratifs, j'ai longtemps cherché un wiki facilement accessible pour réaliser des projets. A 25 ans, je me suis rapidement familiarisée avec le milieu open source du Wikipédia francophone et ai rencontré nombre de développeurs. Grâce à ces expériences, je peux mettre en ligne ce réseau aujourd'hui, avec l'aide d'un administrateur.
- Etudes de littérature, linguistique et ancien-français, Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Université de Neuchâtel, 1995-2005 : demi-licences de linguistique et d'ancien-français
- Bachelor d'enseignante primaire 1 - 8 Harmos, options arts visuels et sport, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, 2015-2018. Mémoire en psychologie de l'enseignement : Comment les savoirs explicites et implicites convoqués dans les métatextes permettent-ils aux étudiant.e.s de construire leur posture d'enseignant.e ? (Mots-clés : normes; référents (savoirs explicites et implicites); pratique réflexive; formation des enseignant.e.s.)
FORGIVENESS, is it in you?
FORGIVENESS, is it in you?
Can You Really Settle for Love?
Is the Modern Hook-Up Really a Threat?
How the World Makes Love
Notes On Soul Mates and Sails
What I Miss (and Don’t Miss) About My Wedding Ring
The Rise of Polyamory in Modern Society
My Mexican Summer Fling
Using Magic to Find Love
Can You Be Friends With Your Ex Right Away?
Love Addict: Do You Just Know?
The Two-Sided Tale of a One-Night Stand
FORGIVENESS. Such a powerful word. Can you forgive? I’ve never felt so wronged that I can’t forgive, but I know it would be a real challenge under the most extreme situations and, quite honestly, I don’t know that I could say that I would always forgive.
If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive. ~ Mother Teresa
Intellectually speaking, the concept is one I wholly believe in. I don’t think we can let go and move on without forgiving. Emotionally speaking, it’s a different story. For people who commit wrongful acts like murder and rape, I can certainly understand why the victims and those close to them are unable to forgive or find it very difficult to do so.
At the same time, I think that the burden, or at least a portion of it, needs to be carried by society. That we’ve somehow failed those who are driven to commit crimes against others. That may sound like a cop-out for the perpetrators, and I’m certainly not saying there is no individual accountability. But I think in most cases these people were failed in a big way at some point(s) in their lives.
So, in essence, forgiving them is forgiving ourselves.
PBS is airing two 90-minute episodes on this very topic called Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate. The first one aired April 17, but the second one doesn’t show until April 24. Check the trailer below. I challenge you to not get choked up at the 2:16 mark.
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Francois Payen
Francois Payen
Je souhaites créer un wiki "Patrimonia Guadeloupe" qui permettra a tout ceux qui aiment ces iles des Antilles de décrire sa vision des lieux, des thèmes représentant les patrimoines.
Patrimoines matériels et Immatériels dans toutes leurs composante, Territoriaux ( Géographique ); culturel, dans le double but de promouvoir cette destination touristique, avec la participation des habitants et tous ceux qui aime ce territoire Français d'Amérique.
A la manière de certaine ville et territoires qui l'on déjà fait sur la toile.
Développement sera supporté par la Région de la Guadeloupe et La Principale Radio de Guadeloupe RCI.
Merci de me proposer votre soutien et de me chiffrer votre participation.
Merci d'avance
François PAYEN
Ghosts, Matches, and Unsolicited Pics: My Online Dating Journey
Ghosts, Matches, and Unsolicited Pics: My Online Dating Journey
Anyway, people of VSB.com: Can anyone relate to my beard envy? Are there any qualities or characteristics that you always wished you had, but God obviously had other plans?
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W.F. Price August 28, 2014 at 19:11
No, I just took it over the last couple months, or some version of it. At this point, I’m really looking forward to getting back to normal work.
Jaego August 29, 2014 at 02:40
The nuclear family was not designed to handle colicky babies obviously. It is a truncated creation of industrialism. Even a slightly extended family might be challenged. Truly, it takes a clan or village to raise a child well. And by that I mean an actual clan or village, not the Federal or State Government. They aren’t the same as Hillary would have us believe.
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gender foreigner August 29, 2014 at 04:39
Dear The Brass Cat August 28, 2014 at 12:28:
In women’s government Canada, there’s, “Maternal Leave” and there’s, “Parental Leave.” PL serves as a top-up to ML. In no gender-designated way is there such a thing as Paternal Leave in the criminal matriarchy (all matriarchy is criminal).
I oppose ML and more as it destroys families, feeds women’s parasitism without restraint, it marginalizes men and children and bankrupts society.
I see the ill effects all the time in the women’s government schools…
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The Brass Cat August 29, 2014 at 11:51
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We All Know That Black Girls Do That Right?
Modern Male Emasculation
The Surprising Power of a Simple Word in Dating
Guide pratique pour l'utilisation d'un langage non discriminatoire, Université de Neuchâtel
Guide pratique pour l'utilisation d'un langage non discriminatoire, Université de Neuchâtel
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Invitation à la Semaine Femmes & écriture
Invitation à la Semaine Femmes & écriture
Il y a quelques semaines, en automne 2021, j'ai reçu un email enthousiasmant, à la seule vue de son titre. C'était Marie-Eve Tschumi qui m'écrivait pour me demander si je voulais participer à sa Semaine Femmes & écriture. De suite, dans ma tête, j'ai acquiescé avec joie et entrain. Puis, j'ai pris le temps de réfléchir, pour m'assurer que je pouvais mener à bien le projet. Préparer et faire une conférence sur un sujet piquant et difficile, informer mon réseau en publiant des posts, participer à une semaine complète d'interactions avec conférencières et participantes. Tout cela en menant à bien mes différents projets et mandats à long terme.
Et puis j'ai rapidement dit oui, en suivant une impulsion. Le thème des blocages m'a été soufflé par Marie-Eve. Je l'ai clarifié et approfondi pour en faire un thème constructif et porteur : comment utiliser ses blocages d'écriture pour en faire une force. Je me suis appuyée sur ma propre expérience ainsi que sur celles de tous les clients que j'ai accompagnés au cours de ces 3 ans. Déterminer ses blocages, c'est bien. Mais les dépasser grâce à des outils concrets et applicables, c'est ce qui permet d'avancer. Et surtout, j'aimerais dire merci à Céline Dubas, membre du réseau rédaction, de m'avoir invitée à faire partie de cette Semaine Femmes & écriture. Notre force, c'est le réseau !
Emmanuelle de Dardel
Joyce Carol Oates
La faute de l'orthographe | Arnaud Hoedt Jérôme Piron | TEDxRennes
La faute de l'orthographe | Arnaud Hoedt Jérôme Piron | TEDxRennes
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La place du français en Europe et dans le monde : mythe ou réalité ?
La place du français en Europe et dans le monde : mythe ou réalité ?
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Une petite équipe de professionnels du web et de passionnés de la langue française.
L'une d'entre nous, un jour agacée de voir se multiplier les points d'exclamation et points de suspension, a eu l'idée de faire un site mémo dans lequel on pourrait se rafraîchir la mémoire, trouver facilement les règles et les usages de tel ou tel signe.
Et comme le projet semblait intéresser notre entourage, professeurs, étudiants et rédacteurs, nous avons eu envie de le mettre à la disposition de tous.
Travaillant sur le web, donnant régulièrement des cours à des apprenants, enfants ou adultes, nous connaissons la richesse du Net et en même temps ses manques. Aussi, avons-nous voulu ce site fiable, facile à utiliser, agréable à consulter et accessible à tous."
Le processus idéal de création de contenu eLearning
Le processus idéal de création de contenu eLearning
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Avec un outil de planification, on peut identifier des sujets ou des domaines d'intérêt, établir un public cible et les compétences ou connaissances nécessaires à l'apprentissage. L'utilisateur devra choisir des sujets qui auront le plus de sens pour lui et, en même temps, il devra leur fournir suffisamment d'informations pour qu'ils puissent s'engager avec le contenu. Par exemple, si l'on souhaite apprendre à gérer une entreprise, alors il faudra prendre en compte tous les aspects, comme la finance, le marketing, la production, et d'autres qui sont impliqués dans la gestion d'une entreprise.
Une fois le contenu identifié, il doit être converti en objets d'apprentissage pour un cours en ligne. Le processus impliqué dans le développement de contenu pour un cours en ligne comprend :
1. Définir l'audience
Cela implique de définir l'audience de votre cours en ligne. Vous devrez identifier à qui vous voulez proposer ce cours, ainsi que leur rôle au sein de l'organisation. Il est important que vous compreniez qui sont ces personnes et comment elles bénéficieront de ce cours en ligne, ce qui vous aidera à identifier le type de contenu que vous devez créer pour elles.2. Développer les objectifs d'apprentissage
Cela implique de développer des objectifs d'apprentissage qui peuvent guider les apprenants sur la manière dont ils peuvent terminer leur cours et, en même temps, leur donner des informations sur la manière dont ils seront évalués pour l'achèvement de leur cours. Ces objectifs leur fourniront des connaissances et des compétences afin qu'ils puissent apprendre de votre cours et serviront également de guide pour leur développement en tant qu'apprenants.3. Créer le design du cours
La conception du cours dépendra du type de contenu que vous souhaitez partager avec les apprenants. Le design dépendra également du type de support de livraison que vous utilisez pour votre cours. Par exemple, si vous utilisez la vidéo, alors vous devrez prendre en compte tous les aspects, comme la manière dont vous gérerez les fichiers vidéo, quand et où ils seront téléchargés, et s'ils seront disponibles dans différents formats.4. Évaluer les apprenants
Cela implique d'évaluer les apprenants sur leur progression dans la réalisation du cours. Vous devrez mesurer leurs performances par rapport à ce qu'ils ont appris. Cela vous aidera à déterminer l'efficacité de votre cours en ligne. Cela vous aidera également à identifier le type de contenu qui doit être mis à jour ou révisé afin qu'il puisse fournir aux apprenants des informations plus pertinentes.Les buts du réseau
Les buts du réseau
Initié en janvier 2019, le réseau rédaction relie les membres entre eux, leur permet de communiquer à propos de sujets qui leur tiennent à coeur, les incite à collaborer et à s'entraider. Chaque interaction entre rédacteurs est un point d'amélioration et de soutien pour tous les membres.
Aujourd'hui, en 2022, le réseau prend un nouveau départ et développe sa plateforme collaborative. L'idée est de renforcer les liens réels pour une pratique professionnelle éthique et respectueuse, à la fois pour les clients et les rédacteurs. Présentations, discussions, rencontres et séminaires forment le socle du réseau et permettent de bâtir des liens forts.
Lessons or Luggage? The Weight of Dating Past
Lessons or Luggage? The Weight of Dating Past
The Difference Between Girls and Women
On Dating: Experienced or Just Plain Damaged?
A Chosen Season: On Being Single in My Late 20s
The Painful Friends With Benefits Cycle
10 Reasons Why You Might Still Be Single
The Things Women Say That Piss Off Men
Challenges Of A Male Relationship Blogger
Why Relationships Commitment Scares Me
The Dumbest Arguments Couples Have
Don’t Tell Me Where To Be Romantic!
Tickle Me Cheater
Quite frankly I don’t see how one being an alpha or not determines the kind of advice one might give to women as a group.
October 21, 2009 10:44 am
The “tell him what you think he wants to hear to make him like you more” tactic.
Telling someone what you think they want to hear but not what you really think is deception, period. That kind of “game” is a fool’s game.
October 21, 2009 12:09 pm
Because, frankly, if you are, then you shouldn’t be telling girls to settle for non-Alphas — as the world is overflowing with them.
Are you implying I said women should settle for non-Alphas?
No, I was talking to Tood. Hence the “you” and not “y’all”.
Or are you just LYING again (if only a LI’L)?
Please enlighten me to my heaps of lies.
In any event, are you saying that women should hold out for the relatively small slice of the 10-20% alphas?
No, I’m pretty sure I dedicated an entire post to that.
20% of the population is not Alpha.
Tupac Chopra PERMALINK
October 21, 2009 12:18 pm
Manuel d'écriture inclusive
Manuel d'écriture inclusive
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Marinette Matthey: «Il y a une sorte de honte aujourd'hui à produire des textes uniquement masculins»
Marinette Matthey: «Il y a une sorte de honte aujourd'hui à produire des textes uniquement masculins»
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Michelle Bulloch
Michelle Bulloch
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- Presse
Depuis plus de trois décennies, j’ai fait de la communication mon métier.
Je suis donc à même de vous proposer mes services dans trois domaines:
- l’écrit grâce à ma longue expérience dans le journalisme et la rédaction
- la traduction grâce à ma maîtrise de trois langues: le français, l’anglais et l’allemand
- le web grâce à mon intérêt pour le monde digital et mon attrait pour la création visuelle
- Maturité (CH) – Profil langues vivantes
- Haute école de musique de Genève – Diplôme de maître de musique
- Formation de journaliste au quotidien "La Suisse"
- Formation continue dans le domaine du webdesign
Mille fois le temps
Mille fois le temps
N’ayez pas peur de l’orthographe ! | Muriel Gilbert | TEDxBelfort
N’ayez pas peur de l’orthographe ! | Muriel Gilbert | TEDxBelfort
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Nuclear Families and Their Unspoken Rules
Nuclear Families and Their Unspoken Rules
Loosening the Chains of the Nuclear Family
Kindness and Modern Dating
How to Navigate Uncertainty in Online Dating
A Dating Suggestion to the Deeply Frustrated
Rethinking Gender Norms in Modern Dating
Obsessing About Strangers
Two Dates in One
Texts Or Calls And Dating
Men Like a Challenge
Men Want to Feel Manly
Issues with the Language of Dating Angst
2. Testing "chemistry." One of the reasons people cite for actually doing it on a first date (or really early on in a relationship) is out of a desire to see if they are sexually compatible. I'll admit that I have done this before. It may have not been the only reason, but it certainly was one of them. As I have gotten older, though, I'm less inclined to rush into sexual intimacy - especially with someone I don't know. The last few relationships I have had were with women I'd been friends with beforehand, so you might say that the timeline played out a lot slower in those cases. Earlier this summer, I dated a woman for about six weeks and we were quite open with each other about our views about sexual intimacy, but also chose to wait. And when I decided that I felt the connection we had was more friendship than intimate partners, she agreed, and was glad that we hadn't had sex. As was I.
3. Conversations about boundaries and preferences. Emily Moss, the author of the post, points out that early on, it's really difficult for people to have honest, open conservations about their sexual boundaries and/or preferences. Of course, some people don't really have a good idea about any of this stuff, and simply plod along sexually. However, for many of us, it's more about having enough trust established to expose ourselves in such a way. That trust simply isn't there when you start out. You might feel something like trust right from the beginning, but deep-level trust takes time to develop.
4. Don't want to deal with potential "messes." The one time I truly slept with a stranger, a woman I met online about three years ago, the few days after were filled with "now what?" and "why did I do that?" kinds of questions. The reality was that I had been single several months, and she was enjoying "being casual." But I really didn't want a relationship with her, nor was I even sure I wanted to hang out with her again. And I worried she wanted more, even if that more was just someone casual or short term.
After a few days, I wrote her and said I had a good time, but didn't think we were a good match. Maybe she was just fine with it, but I felt like a slug. And that situation was a great reminder to me that I'm not built for casual sex, nor casual relationships.
What are your thoughts about first date sex? Have they changed as you have gotten older?
Yue Xu over at Singlefied is asking her fellow bloggers to spread the word about a wedding dress she recently found for an extraordinary inexpensive price, and is hoping to give away to someone who really could use it. Here are the details.
Podcast - L’orthographe, c’est si important que ça?
Podcast - L’orthographe, c’est si important que ça?
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La décision a été annoncée le mercredi 9 juin par les ministres romands de la Formation. La nouvelle orthographe entrera dans les manuels scolaires dès 2023. Pour la sociolinguiste et professeure en science du langage à l’Université Grenoble Alpes Marinette Matthey, ces changements sont minimes, mais utiles pour "se simplifier la vie"."
Portraits d'artistes neuchâtelois
Portraits d'artistes neuchâtelois
- Littérature
- Arts visuels
- Cinéma
- Arts de la scène (théâtre, danse, performance, etc.)
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- Arts de rue
- Arts circassiens."
Les dossiers de candidature sont à envoyer jusqu'au 21 janvier 2022.
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Réviser un mémoire de master en environnement
Réviser un mémoire de master en environnement
Richard Richard M
Richard Richard M
Just wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting external help with graphic design? We do all design work like banners, advertisements, brochures, logos, flyers, etc. for a fixed monthly fee.
We don't charge for each task. What kind of work do you need on a regular basis? Let me know and I'll share my portfolio with you.
Semaine femmes & écriture
Séminaire réseau rédaction
Séminaire réseau rédaction
Société suisse des auteurs
Société suisse des auteurs
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testtest testtest
testtest testtest
The Futility of Trying to Change Your Partner
The Futility of Trying to Change Your Partner
Why Trying to "Be More Feminine or Masculine" is a Trap
"Not Good Enough"
Chasing After Instant Chemistry is Foolish
Does Longevity in the Past = Mature Dater Today?
Are You Really Prepared for a Relationship?
Guys Don’t Want to Date “One of The Guys”
Things I Have Learned About Dating
Fear in Dating and Relationships
Does the Person You're Dating Make You Smile
Marrige and Happiness
Is Your Resolution to Find Love in the New Year?
Disappearing Dates
Ooh, ableism! Tell me more! I must know more about your assertions.
I don’t follow.
Also, no, I’m not going to answer your question. Why? Because I’m a jerk like that, but mostly because it should be perfectly obvious to you why massive institutionalised discrimination often requires a dose of community support and awareness.
I don’t know what you mean by “community support and awareness”. If by this you mean dedicating a day to celebrating or taking pride in one’s sexual orientation, then it is not at all obvious why this is required, I’m afraid.
Not especially, no.
Yes. I know.
Clearly, I was suggesting that there is no reason to dedicate a day to celebrating or taking pride in one’s sexual orientation.
You also have no reason to comment here, do you? Some people like commenting; it makes them feel better, or enables them to make a point, or add to a dialogue, or make their own perspective felt, or stand up for others who might have the same view but feel threatened for speaking. This is exactly the same as why some people celebrate bisexuality day. Okay? I can’t actually use smaller words to describe it.
that there is no reason to dedicate a day to celebrating or taking pride in one’s sexual orientation
Do you feel the same way about Pride parades/celebrations generally? Because if you do, then I’m going to write you off as a contrarian without a worthwhile argument. If you don’t, then I’m going to write you off as a hypocrite without a worthwhile argument.
To be bluntly explicit: you are wasting pixels and making this thread all about you without contributing anything substantive. You are on notice that continuing this line of argument without adding substance beyond mere contrarianism/hypocrisy will see you speedily making the aquaintance of the automod filter.
The Trust Dilemma: Who Do Women Really Trust?
The Trust Dilemma: Who Do Women Really Trust?
Navigating Honesty in Modern Relationships
What Men REALLY Mean: A Guide for Women
How To Be Single And Sober
How A Glass Of Water Can Destroy Your Love
When Love Ignore Red Flags and Common Sense
Why You Shouldn’t Live Together Before Marriage
Shallow Men: A Big Waste
Real Relationships You’ll Never See In A Movie
What Men’s Behavior Reveals About Masculinity
My Problem With Church
Trust Issues: Why Women Don't Trust Men
So let’s say this show comes on, and we see a bunch of individuals working together to make sure that they’re kids are given all of the opportunities they can have? Of course there are going to be dramas. Hell, in the trailer there was an issue with one of the kids being able to go to private school while some others didn’t have that opportunity. That’s some real decision making issue right there. In fact, the ONE area I’m skeptical about is his 18-or 19-year-old girlfriend being in the mix. I’d rather see the show without her involved. But she’s apart of the family. If the man can afford to take care of his children and is doing so then I can’t be but so mad. Maybe the folks at Oxygen saw something in him and his family that made them think that it wouldn’t be just drama. Again, RHOA, LHH:Anywhere (interwiki inconnu), Jumpshot Jumpoffs…short of the drama, what is the worthwhile takeaway here?
“All My Baby Mamas”? At least we get a father. Yes, he’s not married to any of them (though he did want to marry one of them) but that’s in the past too.
We get parenting. And kids that seem to truly love their father. He can’t be THAT bad if all of his kids actually love him right?
And that’s the kind of quality programming we’d like to see right? (Okay, maybe that one is a stretch.)
So what’s the real big deal about it then? It isn’t setting us back any further than any other show. If T.I. and Tiny doesn’t set us back, then I’m not sure how this will….aside from the stereotypical name…but I’m saying, the rapper’s name is Shawty Lo and he is from the camp that brought us “Laffy Taffy”. And he’s got 11 kids. By 10 different women. Cut them some slack.
Look I realize there are petitions circulating to cancel the show and the NAACP – an organization whose current uselessness needs its own special – are all calling for a boycott or whatever is offended n-words do nowadays. And I get it, the negative stereotypes present and the devolution of these women into stereotypical caricatures isn’t cool, but nobody’s petitioning to end RHOA or LHH. And those shows are likely much worse than this. This is a special. A documentary if you will. Those are SHOWS that air weekly that add nothint to the Black diaspora except phrases like “this b*tch done shook the table.”. But we have an issue with this? Chickens coming home to roost? This is like folks taking on Soul Plane but going out to support Tyler Perry. Basically, Black folks, we have our priorities out of wack again. But I’m not surprised. So I ask…
Understanding Male Commitment Fears and How to Address Them
Understanding Male Commitment Fears and How to Address Them
Stop Comparing Us To Aidan From Sex And The City!
The Truth About Women’s Dating Blogs
Is Bradley Cooper The Male Carrie Bradshaw?
My Low-Maintenance Dream Girl Wishlist
The Little Things Women Do That Turn Men On
Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life
Why Your Dating Standards Start with You
The Backlash of Fornication for Single Christians
Learn to Trust God’s Warnings in Relationships
10 Qualities Saved Sisters Seek in a Man
Overcoming Dating Angst as a Christian
I cant’ speak for Sai, but I am not stating that the ONLY possibility is that the man on the particular date in question was a lack of attraction based on something other than feminism. But I feel that the post implied that the ONLY possibility for this man’s lack of percieved interest in the writer was based on her intelligence, her degrees and her feminism. So while I appreciate it as a springboard to have this conversation about attraction, gender and dating, I also think that we do ourselves a disservice when we ignore the other factors that can lead to a lack of connection between two people. Crunktastic spoke about feminism as a potential roadblock to a few things it should actually be helping her to obtain: love, sex, partnership. Sai and I both offered a different side of the coin: how feminism has enhanced our romantic lives. Sai also discussed how men have used sexuality to reduce her ability to be in an academic space. I’m confused as to how you are perciveving a desire to convince other women of our sex appeal, or how that is a function of heteronormativity here. The commentary here was never “she must be lacking in sex appeal”, but that what may seem like a feminist problem could be a lack of connection between two people. There were some statements made about feminists not dating and/or merely having relationships with men that were sexual or platonic only. I’m not sure how it’s inappropriate to speak to having different experiences than the writer. I am also unsure where her committment to fighting sexual harassment was challenged.
I am not sure why your comment includes the ‘agree to disagree’ closer or why you’ve decided that the conversation must end here. Was it a conversation? I have no problem with someone challenging my thoughts or the thoughts of someone else who I allow to post here. But the impression I am getting from this response is that we are being told “you are hetronormative, that’s wack and we aren’t trying to hear it”. The statement about “she’s too smart for me to sleep with” was not a a good choice of words and I, too, have no problem saying that I need to check my heteronormativity at times. But I feel that you have assigned a number of things to Sai and I that just aren’t accurate. I’m not with the whole “I’m a feminist, you’re a feminist. Thus, we must be single minded and never challenge each other” thing and I definitely resent the snipe “I have to wonder if the intent behind them is truly to dialogue or to play quien es mas macha, feminista, bella lo que sea”. I dont’ see preening on anyone’s part, I see a different set of experiences in the feminist dating world that are, apparently, now invalid.
Variation orthographique : réflexion sur un oxymore
Variation orthographique : réflexion sur un oxymore
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Cet article revient sur l’orthographe du français, la possibilité des réformes et l’évolution des attitudes par rapport à la variation graphique. Il met en perspective la dernière tentative d’aménagement orthogra- phique tolérée par l’Académie française (les rectifications orthographiques de 1990), qui a connu un certain revival en 2016. L’article s’appuie sur un certain nombre d’enquêtes pour proposer un diagnostic de la ques- tion orthographique aujourd’hui et esquisser un futur possible."
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Winner of the Creepiest Facebook Message Award
Winner of the Creepiest Facebook Message Award
Top Free and Paid Online Dating Websites
Seizing New Dating Opportunities
The Perfect Movie Date at Home
Single Men Don’t Have Body Image Issues
What Makes a Good Man or a Good Woman?
Equating ‘Sexuality’ with Male Sexuality
Why in the World Would I Ever Get Married?
How Jealousy Can Work For Us
The Catalano Generation is Revolutionizing Dating
Mexico City's Short-Term Marriage Proposal
Even in Relationship You’re All Alone
I Lack the Commitment Gene
Stop Crying and Be a Man
Okay so I wasn’t really holding a contest. However, once my friend sent me this message I knew no contest needed to take place for this message to win the award.
I did not include the full name or Facebook profile to protect the identity of my friend and me, not his! If I thought there would be no way this could ever get back to us, believe me, I would send you all this guy’s Facebook profile to harass relentlessly…
Here is a picture of him, though, for your entertainment:
funny facebook profile
Hello Dear,
How are you doing? I saw you here on face book, and i must confess that you really fit into the perimeters that i am looking for…
I am Jeff (full name deleted), and I am 45yrs, I’m an Construction Engineer/Contractor with Anderson Engineering Group inc. and was married for some years before I lost my wife. Am A very free and understanding person, I take life easy with people, humorous,loving, caring and understanding.
Truth be told,i really didn’t believe in internet matchmaking/dating not until Paul my closest friend found his true love from face book here. Today both of them are married as husband and wife, so he recommended facebook to me above all other dating sites… I am from the United states Austin TX to be exact, my dad’s from Austin texas and my mother is from Ipoh, Malaysia..i lost her in 2007, i now live and work in the UK and Shuttle the USA for construction contracts and the likes.
I am a romantic, loving kind and generous to a fault, my heart is my biggest asset and i wish i find a woman who is Honest,truthful,kind, Respectful and gentle. i do not wish to play games here and i respect the feelings of a woman. i dislike liars and dishonesty.i spend my free times watching Sports,listening to music (and i daresay singing in the shower!),Traveling, Walks on the beach and candle lit dinner and a table for two.
I really didn’t see distance as a problem because true love exist in regards of distance for each other, and if we want our self we can break distance barrier in front of us…if i am not the type of man you need please feel free to let me know so we will not waste each others’ time, i want to be a friend first, yes friendship is a good way to start and we can get to know each other more daily if u so wish… Let me know little more about you too and tell me when you are always online for a better conversation either by chatting or sending mail to each other…what are ur hobbies? likes? dislikes?
I will be very happy to read from you soonest, Stay Sweet and have a wonderful time out there…
I am dead serious, this message is for real. Whether it is a fake profile or not we cannot decide. But if it is not, what is the person behind it trying to get? It doesn’t make sense. But if it’s for real, it is the most awesome message. Ever.
Yeswiki : le site officiel
Yeswiki : le site officiel
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